

You do not have to be the owner of an esoteric setup to join ASoN. Among our current members are people that are new to the wonders of the audio universe and as such have a modest system.

Other members have spent years and years (and many dollars) fine tuning and tweaking their system and have accumulated vast experience. Some members enjoy building amplifiers or speaker systems, others drool over hardware and enjoy tweaking, while others have a passion for vintage hifi.

We have vinyl and CD aficionados and home theatre lovers.

Musically, club member's musical taste varies from loud hard rock through jazz, blues to opera and quiet chamber music.

Listening to live music and going to concerts are not just part of our social activities but also an acoustic and aural reference for fine tuning our own music reproduction systems.
As a society we appreciate this diversity and are happy to share experiences and learn from each other.

Club year commences from 1st May :
Full Membership Fee $75.00 per annum
Country and Interstate Membership Fee $35.00 per annum.
Membership entitlements include a monthly newsletter and full participation in the clubs Haberfield meetings and Special Interest Group (SIGS) in member’s homes.
<Download Membership Form Here>

Membership Benefits

As a member you will receive our monthly newsletter and are invited to attend all general meetings and of course the Annual General Meeting.
Technical help with DIY audio projects from many industry members.

If you are interested in more information about ASoN, interested in attending a meeting as a visitor, or in joining ASoN please contact us here