About Us

About Us
The Audiophile Society of NSW Inc. (ASoN) is a Sydney based society created as a forum for passionate audiophiles.


It is a society open for people with an interest in music and its reproduction. ASoN was initiated late 1994, and incorporated early 1995 in compliance with the NSW Office of Fair Trading (Associations Incorporation Act).

Since its inaugural meeting in December 1994 and subsequent incorporation, ASoN has enjoyed a steady growth in membership and has been very well received and
supported by the industry. 


ASoN's objectives are to provide a forum for audio and music enthusiasts:

  • To meet on a social basis to discuss and share an interest in music and its high quality reproduction;

  • To share enjoyment and knowledge of music and its reproduction in a variety of settings.

  • To increase awareness and knowledge of the technical aspects influencing the reproduction of music, including development and modification of audio equipment;
  • To establish and promote good relations, support similar initiatives in NSW and other states, and exchange of information with any other Australian or international society or club whose objectives are similar or in part similar to the objectives of ASoN, provided that such relationship, support, and exchange of information is beneficial to ASoN;

Monthly Meeting Address

Venue: Epping Creative Centre
             26 Stanley Road
             Epping, NSW 2121
Date:    First Sunday of each month (10 months a year)

Time:   2:45 pm to 6:00 pm